- He replied with a casual air. 他漫不经心地回答。
- He replied with a note of mockery in his voice. 他带着嘲笑的声调回答.
- He loved to present such pieces of information with a casual air. 他喜欢信口开河。
- She then asked him if she were to leave would he cry, and once again he replied with a no. 她接着问:如果我走了,你会不会哭?他依旧回答说:不会这时候,他抓住她的胳膊说
- "Absolutely not!"he replied with total conviction. “绝对不可能
- He replied with haughty disdain. 他的回答充满了不屑。
- He shut the door and joined the others with a very casual air. 他把门关上,又带着若无其事的神情来到大家中间。
- Ellis spoke with a casual indifference that he did not feel. 埃利斯并没有察觉自己说话时的那种漫不经心。
- "Far from it, I am afraid, it seems I am actually getting a little cocky in my old age," he replied with a chuckle. “恐怕差得远呢,不过看来我真是有点对我的过去太自信了。”他轻声的笑道。
- Lord Melbourne replied with a very wise letter. 梅尔本爵爷回了一封极有见识的信。
- "Each year," he replied with a grin, "the upperclassmen ask the freshmen how many bricks it took to finish paving this courtyard. “每年,”他咧着嘴笑道,“高年级学生都要问一年级新生铺完这个院子的路面要用多少块砖。”
- Your attempt at derision will not deter me, he replied with a laugh. You deserve the promotion. He gave me a par on the back and descended he stairs. 尽管你企图自嘲自谦,但这也阻挡不了我做出以上决定。他回答时大笑起来,你应该得到提升。说完拍拍我的背,下楼梯去了。
- I replied with a thinly veiled warning. 我以一种几乎不加掩饰的警告口吻回答。
- The adverse criticism it deservedly got stung Byron not to despair but to revenge, and he replied with a satire in the manner of Pope called English Bards and Scotch Reviewers. 这本诗集受到的应有的非难刺痛了拜伦的心,他没有绝望,而是想报复,他以蒲柏的风格写了一篇名为《英格兰诗人和苏格兰评论家》的讽刺诗作为回答。
- He replied with a nod. 他点了点头作为回答.
- Ming-feng replied with a gurgle of laughter. 鸣凤噗嗤笑道;
- Hung-chien replied with a silly grin. 鸿渐傻笑。
- One day, he had a casual meeting with a pretty girl. 一天,他同一位漂亮女孩有一次偶然的相遇。
- Liu Bei replied with a smile, "I have my own way. 刘备笑了笑说:“你们不懂,不要再问了。
- He replied with a smile. 他一笑置之。